Student life is an ordeal where students have to go through a lot of examinations on academic basis and on personal basis also. In any school or educational institutions students receive education and knowledge but all the students don’t prove to be good people and students are watched by the school management and tutors on the basis of the different attributes they exhibit their interest level in studies and learning. Students are like blank slate. The tutor is one ink which writes the knowledge on that blank slate in order to make those students successful in life. Institute ERP helps the students in order to attain the knowledge as much as they can and due to help of institute ERP students achieve their academic goals and their set benchmarks. In general, an ideal student is one who respects everyone, should be obedient and follow the instructions of the tutors, maintain discipline and should always be eager to learn from every possible source. If an individual sees the dream of a successful and happy life then he or she needs to become a good student. It is not easy to become an ideal student and for attaining this position one needs to put in a lot of effort. Let’s see how.
Self-discipline is the most important quality among good qualities of student life. It doesn’t mean to become a robotic equipment but it means that there should be a timing, a balance and an appropriation to whatever a student does. This always shapes his personality. For example, a disciplined routine of day keeps a body healthy and a healthy body contains a healthy mind which stays always ready to perform well and punctual. As a result, just one good trait i.e., discipline brings all other good qualities together to create a great persona in a student. Discipline gives edge to all incomplete and shattered qualities of a student. It makes a student gather his/her all will power to fix all his/her problems too because being disciplined he/she is able to balance his/her scattered lifestyle. Though the school management provides several innovative tools like LMS portal still students need to be confident in themselves so that they can face any challenge in their academic life. Being confident makes a student achieve a distinct voice among the crowd which always makes a student shine like an ideal one.
In Online learning also everything is managed by a LMS portal but still students need to be punctual and very regular to their studies even if they have to study offline. An ideal student should always be punctual. This quality is also one of the qualities of a good teacher. It is so because students always imitate their teachers. Being punctual makes students understand the value of time and the value of time ought to be understood by students. It is said that time is money and therefore students should always value time. Being punctual makes students do their homework and study work on time and invest the rest of the time in some productive activity. An ideal student should be courteous to everyone around him/her. Such students respect tutors, mentors, peers, staff, members and even peon of the school and never discriminate in respecting on any basis. An ideal student works in a team and inspires the team members by yielding productive output.
An ideal student should be positive, helpful, cooperative and friendly. These qualities make students good leaders in their professional life further. An ideal student remains responsible always towards all the professional and personal duties especially related to academics which contains completing assignments, projects and homework and study work in time. An ideal student should be a good listener who always stays ready to listen to what his/her teachers, elders and parents are trying to teach him/her and obey them. Listening is a very good quality of a student to make a student attentive and also sensitive to others. Students should follow the disciplinary rules of the school or educational institutions so that they can adapt the disciplinary codes of behaviour in their personal and professional life. Student life is all about learning. A student should be always ready to learn, it doesn’t matter from what age group or race he gets knowledge. He can get a lesson from a small child also, it’s just a ready to learn attitude which is needed in a good student.