Looking for the best solution for your home in terms of internet, TV, and even telephone can be a little difficult. With so many options in the market and many of them with good reviews as well, you can’t help but think about which option would be the best for you. Sure, your neighbor says that their service provider is perfect for them, but is it good for you? visit here
Maybe your neighbor’s family consists of only 3-4 people, but your family is bigger. Maybe your neighbors use the internet for basic things like surfing, browsing, and social media, but you like online gaming, or streaming, etc.Thinking like that, there are different scales of measurement for everyone to determine which is a good ISP and which isn’t.
So, what can you do to check this? Our answer: Determine and write down your requirements and your needs for the internet. What do your online activities consist of? Do you enjoy frequent gaming? Do you like streaming on Netflix? Do you just want enough to get through your assignments and research? The answers to all these questions and more should be noted down.
As for what you should be looking for specifically, this article will explain exactly that. One more thing that you will get to learn from this article is about CenturyLink Internet. CenturyLink covers 36 states and offers its high-quality services to about 18 million people across the country. Aside from selling internet services, CenturyLink also sells phone services to users. But let’s not get into the details now and save it for later. First, we need to figure out some requirements and conditions for the internet.
What Do Your Needs Entail?
The first step is diagnosing or mapping your needs. What is something that you absolutely cannot look past? Or something that is unavoidable in determining the kind of package you should go for. Let’s look at what these could be.
Number Of Users
The first thing to check is the number of users of the internet in your home. Nowadays, there is not a single person that won’t use the internet at home, no matter their age. Everyone has their own smartphones, laptops, and other devices that stay connected to the internet. Additionally, there are many homes with smart devices like home assistants, smart TVs, and, much more. These devices function with an internet connection.
So, you will need to count the number of people and then the number of devices connected to the internet. After this comes the next step.
Online Activities
The second thing you will need to check is the online activities for all the devices i.e. family members and their multiple devices, if any. Depending on the person and his or her age, everyone has a different use of the internet. Some like heavy gaming, some like streaming, some might use it for work, and some might use it for social media.
Everyone has different uses and this affects the speed of the internet that they need. For example, browsing through social media might require as less as 1-3 Mbps, whereas heavy gaming would require at least 20 Mbps. This is why it is important to determine the uses and the number of users of the internet.
Type Of Work
Next, we will move on to determining the type of work you do. In every household or at least in most households the internet is used by one or more people to do their work. So, what is this work exactly? Do you need to stay online most of the time due to video conferences, meetings, etc., or are you a sort of freelancer and need the internet to work, but don’t need to be available constantly for a particular time?
The nature of your work will also help in determining what you should be looking for and what speed is the best for you. Of course, you don’t want any disruptions when it comes to work so it is necessary to do so.
To summarize all of these things, we have attached a table below to help you determine which activity requires how much internet speed to work properly.
Online Activity | Internet Speed Required |
Surfing/Browsing | 2 Mbps |
Streaming videos (YouTube TV) | 7 Mbps (HD 1080p) |
25 Mbps (4K) | |
Streaming videos (Netflix) | 5 Mbps (HD) |
15 Mbps (4K) | |
Streaming videos (Disney+) | 5 Mbps (HD) |
25 Mbps (4K) | |
Streaming videos (Hulu) | 3 Mbps (HD) |
16 Mbps (4K) | |
Streaming videos (HBO) | 5 Mbps |
Streaming videos (Sling TV) | 5 Mbps (HD) |
25 Mbps (4K) | |
Streaming videos (fuboTV) | 7 Mbps (HD) |
25 Mbps (4K) | |
Apple TV+ | 5 Mbps (HD) |
25 Mbps (4K) | |
Peacock | 2.5 Mbps |
Streaming music | 1 Mbps |
Video conferences/calls | 8 Mbps |
Choosing the Best Internet Plan
CenturyLink internet plans are very easily one of the best plans you will find in the market. However, if you do not have access to CenturyLink plans in your area, then you will have to look for the next best option. Depending on certain circumstances, like your budget, and your needs, you will have to make an appropriate selection. Here, we have divided plans into three categories: good, better, or best. Let’s see which one is more suitable for you.
Good, Better, or Best?
A good internet plan is just enough to cater to your primary needs of the internet. This might include small and very basic tasks such as emailing, surfing, browsing the net, and using social media. This could also include the occasional streaming session on Netflix in HD and on 1 or 2 devices at most. The right internet plan for this situation would be of about 3-5 Mbps speed. This plan would work perfectly for keeping you connected to the internet.
A better internet plan is one that fulfills your primary internet needs and also gives you a little extra boost. With a better internet plan, you will be able to do the basics described in the good internet plan and more like work from home, video calls, online workshops, and streaming videos. Moreover, you will be able to do these things on 3-4 devices simultaneously. You can also enjoy some level of multiplayer gaming. The internet speed would be around 10 Mbps.
Lastly, the best internet plan would allow you to enjoy both the activities from the good and the better internet plan and even more! The plan would consist of about 50 – 100 Mbps and you can enjoy heavy multiplayer gaming, online schooling, working from home, live streaming, etc. This plan would cost more than good and better internet plans as well, but if you’re willing to pay the price for a fantastic connection, then you should go for this option!
If you are interested in checking out more details about CenturyLink and seeing the plans, you should go to BuyTVInternetPhone and enter your ZIP code in the search bar. Or you can directly just click on CenturyLink and check out their page and see details regarding their policies, availability area, customer service, internet, phone, and more.
On the same website, you will find other service providers and their details as well, in case you want to compare the plans.