A detailed study of vacancies on different sites, such as Layboard, catches the eye with one common feature for the vast majority of vacancies – work requires practice in this position. For example, if you look at various vacancies in a country like Qatar, which you can do on the already mentioned resource, you can click here to apply and go directly to the site with vacancies, you will notice the same thing. Why did it happen?
The thing is that employers save their time and money, and instead of hiring an employee without experience and practice, it is easier for them to hire a person who already knows what to do, has worked in this position from 1 to 3 years, for example, and he will need to only to adapt to the way things are done and work in this particular firm. He has already received the rest of the knowledge earlier, and now he can work. And for everyone who either just graduated from school or another educational place, and has not yet had time to get an internship, or wants to try himself in a radically new career, the big question arises – where to get the very work experience that is so needed? Indeed, in order to gain experience, you need to work in this position, but in order to work, you need existing practice, and in order to get it, you need to work … and so on endlessly.
For such people, there are two best options:
- If you are already getting an education somewhere, ask to organize an internship for you in order to get the very necessary experience. Thus, at the end of the university, you will already have the minimum necessary practice in stock, and you will be able to find a job.
- Find such vacancies where employees are either additionally trained on the terms of the firm and given experience, or find a job for which experience is not needed. Yes, there are much fewer such vacancies when compared with the number of those where the existing practice is needed, but nevertheless, there are such vacancies in almost all countries accessible to foreigners.
Tips for those who need experience to get the job you want
- Create a plan of action and goals for yourself, in which you will choose your main goals, and for each of them write something that can help you achieve your goals. During practice, you will need to learn a lot of things, and not just get numbers that will indicate that you worked somewhere. Therefore, in order to acquire skills effectively and evenly, you need to create a plan of action and follow it, as well as choose in advance what will help you quickly gain qualifications and achieve all previously set goals.
- Determine for yourself all the ways to achieve the most accessible performance goals that you can easily demonstrate when needed with a minimum of difficulty and preparation. It should be something you’re really good at, or at least something you can potentially do. In order to determine all this for yourself, you can also write a note to yourself about what you can do at the moment and what you can do in the near future.
- Decide on the hardest-to-achieve experience goals that will take longer than others. It is obvious that for the expected result for these purposes it will be necessary to make more effort and time. But with the right distribution of time and effort, you have a chance to reach the desired level quickly enough.
- If you already have some learned skills that you may need in that particular place, you can demonstrate that you have them, and take their place in the achievement of others that you have not yet mastered. If someone controls your getting practice and skills, then you can prove what you already know and focus on what you can’t do yet.
- Give yourself time to get the practice you need for each goal you set. It is worth thinking about this realistically, not giving yourself too little time, since learning difficult things takes a lot of time, especially if you want to get a quality result, you will need more time and diligent preparation. You can spend less time on less complex or important things, it will be justified and expedient.
- It is advisable to find out more about all your goals at the very beginning, so that you can find out or understand that you have already acquired enough competence and practice in the right area. This will allow you to save time and move from one goal to the next in time. Also, in accordance with your level, you will need to prepare for the exam from the one who gives you practice, so that these people can officially confirm your qualifications and experience in this matter. Also, do not forget about the constant repetition of the material you have already learned in order to keep it in your mind and not forget it at the most inopportune moment.
- Find yourself sources of information in which you can most effectively and accurately find what you need. Perhaps your manager can provide you with the necessary sources yourself, those that are used by the organization in which you practice. If not, you need to look for sources of information yourself. It can be websites, people’s blogs, videos, or it can be books – journalistic or scientific literature, study notebooks, or anything else. To date, there are a lot of different sources of information and everyone can find the most convenient and understandable for themselves.
- Be sure to take the time to study the professional ethics of your profession, as well as the corporate norms that are most often found in your work. This is necessary for a better understanding of the employees and the work performed. It can also help you in some way in achieving the goals that you have set.
- If it seems to you that this is too many tasks, and this confuses you a lot, and you don’t know what to do and where to start, try dividing each goal and task into smaller ones. This will help you understand how to fulfill them and in what sequence and where to start fulfilling this goal. Also set yourself points of return in case you stray from the execution plan, in order to be able to return and start from some point in the study.
- If you have some kind of development and goal achievement plan that can be given to you in the place where you will practice, you can use it to practice what you need. Most often, such plans are quite convenient because they were built for general use. But at the same time, such plans do not take into account the individual characteristics of human development and perception, which can complicate the learning process. In extreme cases, you can use a ready-made plan, but if necessary, coordinate with the boss his small individualization so that you can work with him comfortably.